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Artistic Director
Marina Salvador is the founder of Escuela Barcelona Burlesque Experience, director of the events of the school and also of the advanced and professional shows.
With a huge talent and a wide education as a dancer in different styles, including oriental dancing, jazz, musical comedy, fantasy styles and obviously burlesque, she has commited her life to dancing and show business.
Her method based in attitude and freedom is the main engine to take the best out of every artist of the school.
Marina was born in El Paral·lel, Barcelona, in a family that has been dedicated during 3 generations to the creation of scenographies for theater and shows. An environment full of magic and creativity that let her visit different stages, from Apolo Theater to El Molino, with the dream to dance there one day.
Ever since, she has been learning different disciplines like ballet, belly dancing or ballrooms. A personal and professional evolution and the aim to keep growing in order to create new shows and offer a high quality and enriching experience in her school and in her performances.
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